Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Blogz U Should Czech.

Just like Jill Zarin from RHofNYC, I run with a fabulous circle of people. Not only are they talented, but double funny and extremely good looking. Besides winning at life, they are hella good bloggerz. Here's where you can find them...

No. 1 Cousin- Le Panopticon
He's representin' for the gingers of the world, bringing you tasty tidbits about everything you didn't know you needed to know.

BK Po$$e- 2PzNaPpod
When you feel like you can't make it through another day, the Pz will give you something to live for.

Be dazzled by the witty observations of a burgeoning stellar journalist. (but really read it for the Ultimate Cat Pic of the Day)


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