Sunday, April 5, 2009

I ['m Not Sure If I] Heart Ronson for JC Penney

So quite like the Alexnder McQueen line for target (which,sorry ladies, I found dissapointing), I was excited to hear about the I "Heart" Ronson line for JCPenney. The ads that have been popping up in every magazine I read however, are ATROCIOUS. They make me want to stab my eyes out just about as much as the Nora Roberts Lifetime move ads .

I mean, I'm sorry, but whoever the fuck styled these ads needs to be fired, or at least needs to be sternly spoken to. The girls in the background are whatever but the girl in the foreground?!? Who the eff is this b?! why is her hair geled back? Why is her eye shadow so blue and her lipstick so red? Why is she so angsty? Are tormented, high-school-outsiders the only demographic JCPenney is trying to reach?

I'm giving C. Ron the benefit of the doubt and placing the blame on the Penney ad staff because I am a fan not only of her, but of her whole fam. The Ronson clan came out strong and sexy at the launch party Saturday night in LA.

I'll hit JCP soon and get the in person scoop.

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